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Concertina Coil Concertina Wire Fencing Wire Manufacturer

Concertina Coil Fencing Wire rate at Rs 60 per Running Feet from RKD Fencing Wire– Manufacturer/Supplier in India for Concertina Coil , Concertina Fencing. Call: +91 9911795962 for Concertina Coil price, Concertina Coil Fencing Wire price. Exporter of Concertina Fence & Barbed Tape Concertina Coils with latest specification.

Concertina Coil also commonly known as Concertina Barbed Wire, Concertina Helix Coils, Concertina Barbed Razor Coil, Razor Concertina Wire, Punched Tape Concertina Coil, Concertina Coil Fencing, and Concertina Razor Coil is the most effective Fencing Product for Perimeter Protection.

Concertina Coil Fencing under our Registered Brand “ CONSEC® ” , meets the Highest Global Specifications for Punched Tape Concertina Coil with variety of Options such as RBT Wire Fencing, MRBT, SRBT, RPBT, MEDIUM BARB MRPBT, SRPBT, ULTRA BARB , HARPOON, etc. We also manufacture different types of BTO & CBT sizes like BTO-10, BTO -12, BTO-22, BTO-30, and CBT- 60 & CBT 65.

As the leading Concertina Coil Manufacturer in India, we believe in delivering Value for Money. Concertina fencing manufactured by RKD Fencing Wire can be customized as per client’s requirement. We offer Concertina Coil Fencing with Diameter ranging from 300 mm to 1200 mm. RKD Fencing Wire also suggest the Appropriate Diameter after analyzing the threat Perception.

Concertina Fencing is the most reliable perimeter wire fencing solution for preventing any unwanted intrusion. Hot-dipped Galvanized Concertina Coil Fencing is useful to barricade areas of high security and restricted entry . In most of the areas, a razor bound sharp concertina loop is given over the divider or wall with Spiral wires, no less than 2.5 meters over the immediate ground level to create a barrier for any trespasser, generating the reaction time. Barbed Razor Tape Concertina Coils are our specialty.


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